List of Companies in Neskaupstaður, Iceland
Searching for businesses in Neskaupstaður? Explore a directory of 29 companies located in Neskaupstaður, Iceland. Top companies in Iceland, businesses near me.
We found 29 companies
Beituskúrinn - The Bait Shack
Egilsbraut 26, Neskaupstaður
In the 1800s Iceland bought many of its houses prefabricated from Norway, Beituskurinn is one of these. It arrived in the Eastern fjords 1890s and started its life as housing for one of the whaling st...
Skólavegur,, Neskaupstaður
Starfið í Nesskóla snýst um að auka víðsýni nemenda þannig að þeir verði sem best búnir undir að taka þátt í síbreytilegu nútímasamfélagi.
2Þróttur Neskaupstað
Þiljuvellir 21,, Neskaupstaður
Applications for 2019 are open for Guðmundar Bjarnason's achievers' fund, the application deadline is until the end of the year.
3Multitask Ehf
Miðstræti 4,, Neskaupstaður
MultiTask ehf was founded in 2008 by Heimir Snær Gylfason, who had extensive experience and training in multimedia and electronics. His expertise was quickly acknowledged by the local community, and M...