For 25 years, Cintamani has been protecting Icelanders from the elements of the outdoors with their technologically advanced and functional outdoor clothing. Founded in 1989 by outdoor enthusiasts, Ci...
S4S ehf rekur skóbúðirnar Steinar Waage, Kaupfélagið, Ecco, Skechers og Toppskóinn, ásamt AIR verslununum og Ellingsen í Reykjavík og á Akureyri. Þá eru í samstæðunni einnig netverslanirnar Skó, E...
Jói útherji er sérhæfð knattspyrnuverslun og heildsala sem opnaði á sumardaginn fyrsta 1999 og hefur þjónustað alla knattspyrnuiðkendur síðan með allt sem þarf í fótboltann Verslunin í Ármúla 36 hefur...
The captivating realm of Tulipop, envisioned by Signy, a mother of two, and brought to life by her best friend Helga, is a unique, stunning, and magical collection of children's products like no other...
Erum netverslun með fallegan fatnað og fylgihluti á frábæru verði. Erum staðsett í Kjarrhólma í Kópavogi. Hægt er að koma eftir óskum, sendum einnig útum allt land.
Fitness is a family business that provides customers with the necessary equipment for achieving their health and fitness goals. They specialize in importing and selling sporting goods and are staffed ...
Geysir Car Hire offers an insurance package on selected vehicles that is included in the price. You can get in touch with them by email, phone, or visiting their physical address.
66° North provides superior outdoor apparel that pays homage to its Icelandic roots. Its clothing allows people to explore places they otherwise wouldn't be able to, while their methods of operation h...
Kosmi gives people the opportunity to construct their own digital realm where they can come together to watch movies, play video games, talk, and collaborate virtually.