Founded in 2013, Ambassador was the first whale watching company to operate tours from the town of Akureyri in northern Iceland. With convenient location, excellent sighting rate and high quality serv...
All volunteer blood donors must be evaluated by the Blood Bank staff to determine their eligibility to give blood. Therefore, all blood donors in Iceland must be able to communicate in Icelandic or En...
Lónsá is a family owned guesthouse in Iceland and is located just outside of Akureyri. The guesthouse offers made up beds and sleepingbag accommodation. Joint living room, kitchen facilities and bathr...
6 Hrafnar ehf. hafa hætt starfssemi. Eigendur hússins starfrækja nú heimagistingu skv. leyfi nr. HG-3249. Gisting er aðeins bókanleg í gegnum AirBnB - sjá hlekk hér til hliðar. Upplýsingar einnig veit...
Karatefélag Akureyrar var starfandi á Akureyri fyrr á árum, en engin starfsemi hafði verið í u.þ.b. 10 ár. Félagið var svo endurstofnað í október 2008 og er því tiltölulega ungt félag í mótun. Stjórn ...
Kompan hönnun er í eigu Gígju Ívarsdóttur sem er grafískur hönnuður. Hún er með margra ára reynslu sem hönnuður en stofnaði Kompuna í byrjum árs 2017. Kompan þjónustar fyrirtæki og einstaklinga. Hvort...
We at Nonni Travel truly believe that those three countries are the most awesome places to be! Each country itself promises a unique experience and unforgettable memories. Each of them is completely d...
Félagið tók til starfa 1. janúar 2020 með sameiningu Eyþings, Atvinnuþróunarfélags Eyjafjarðar og Atvinnuþróunarfélags Þingeyinga. Hlutverk SSNE er að vera samráðsvettvangur aðildarsveitarfélaganna og...
Mikill flugáhugi hér í bæ leiddi fljótt til flugmódelsmíða, einfaldra fyrst,en síðan æ flóknari eftir því sem efni og tækni fleygði fram. Fyrstu flugmódelin voru einfaldar renniflugur gerðar úr balsa ...
Fitness is a family business that provides customers with the necessary equipment for achieving their health and fitness goals. They specialize in importing and selling sporting goods and are staffed ...
Hopp is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform designed to facilitate micro-mobility, and an e-scooter sharing franchise opportunity for local entrepreneurs.
Kjarnafaedi is a food and beverage company that specializes in the production of a variety of different types of meat, such as chicken, lamb, pork, and beef.
At Loki Travel, we provide a digital experience to enhance your tour booking process. We also work to offset the carbon emissions associated with your travels.
Kosmi gives people the opportunity to construct their own digital realm where they can come together to watch movies, play video games, talk, and collaborate virtually.
Thula is a cutting-edge consulting business with highly specialized knowledge and a wealth of experience in healthcare solutions and integrations. Their primary areas of expertise include medication m...